a5c7b9f00b On the run from an assassin, international rock superstar Bené hides out in Los Angeles and prepares for a showdown with death. Creative, original, and hysterically funny, I Am a Knife With Legs tells the story of Bené, an international rock superstar hiding from assassins in a Los Angeles condo with his manager, Beefy. Bennett Jones writes, directs, and stars in this weird comedy. It&#39;s hard to describe. The characters discuss their feelings, talk about dessert, and break into song at the drop of a hat. Jones, who also writes and performs all the songs and crafted the animation, has great comedic timing, a way with words, and a dry wit. I laughed my head off. See this if you can. Bennett Jones performed at the screening and cracked me up. It&#39;s good to know independent film lives. <br/><br/>This éclair is weird. A whirling tour de force, I Am a Knife with Legs is writer/director/actor/producer/editor/everything Bennett Jones&#39; uncompromisingly awesome peek into the tortured soul and psyche of international pop star Bene. Hiding out from fanatical assassins (aka the SSN), he&#39;s holed up in a Los Angeles apartment with his manager/bodyguard/best friend, Beefy. Shot over several years on a shoestring budget, the film is daringly original and jam-packed with big laughs, crazy songs, visual panache, and esoteric jokes. If you have an off-kilter sense of humor and love to, you know… just get weird – this is the film for you.
unextyca Admin replied
338 weeks ago